History repeats itself

It has been a while since my last post. My head has been in the cloud, literally and figuratively.

Here are a few lessons I have learned:

  1. No matter how amazing of a development team you have, management can run entire projects into ground by not providing support, direction, or not having the ability to make decisions.
  2. Assigning the same project to two teams under the same management is not a healthy or productive way of creating motivation or progress.
  3. Don’t make two peer teams decide whose work is better. You need a tie breaker and if you cannot be the tie breaker, refer to item 2. Don’t create this situation in the first place.
  4. Agile does not work for everything as much as we want it. Go ahead and debate that agile is not implemented correctly in most cases… For a second, let’s assume you are right. In that case, why do we keep using something that is so hard to implement and is misused so frequently? Maybe we need something else or nothing at all.
  5. Calling a team agile and holding daily calls does not turn the team or their work agile.
  6. What’s worse than waterfall? Traversing waterfalls with agility with no real consumer waiting at the end.

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween Power BI community! This is dedicated to PBI admins and support teams and to anyone who has ever had to debug a model that someone else made! #PowerBI

Obvious lessons here:

For User 1: Educate your users to only share with the smallest possible AD group. Don’t create AD groups called “All of the Company”, “Everyone who works here”, ..

For User 2: Disable Pulish to Web or limit it to a small group of people who understand the consequences. If it is already done, call your Legal department and perhaps see about helping the now jobless user 2 to get a new job.

For User 3: I am speechless after seeing this model, but you can start with: Have you tired turning if off and back on again? sending the user to a basic modeling course and telling them to stay the … away from bi-directional filters and Many 2 Many relationships until they know what they are doing.